
Please be advised that with the passage of addiction licensure laws in the State of Indiana, those that hold certifications are prohibited from calling themselves a “certified addiction counselor, or therapist” or a “Substance Abuse Counselor” or any other words or letters implying that one is a licensed addiction counselor or licensed clinical addiction counselor in practice. It is unlawful to do so. (You may access the full list of terms under Indiana Code 23-25.6-10.1.1).

Certification Information

The Chairperson for the Licensure Committee for the Indiana Association for Addiction Professionals is Ron Chupp, Past President, email him at ">.

Thank you for your interest in IAAP.


Certification Application Fees

$35.00 (IAAP Student Member), $340.00 (non-IAAP Student Member) with no testing required.

CCS Application & Renewal (2 Year)
$80.00 (IAAP Members), $215.00 with no testing required.


Clinical Supervisors

Looking for an Approved Clinical Supervisor? Click here to download the list!
Don’t see your name listed? Click here to fill out the information release form.